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Jobs at Foxconn
Stisknutím tabulátoru přejdete na odkaz Přeskočit k obsahu
Our employees do a great job and we try to thank them for their effort in various ways. We have prepared countless benefits for each member of our Foxconn family, including the system of Cafeteria benefits, subsidized catering, a contribution to supplementary pension insurance, discounted mobile tariffs and many more.
We also support leisure activities of our employees via ActivePass from Pluxee and our colleagues can clear their heads in our company fitness after a challenging day.
We are aware that the work-life balance is important, so we prepare a number of corporate events for our employees and their families, such as Street Food Festival full of food and drinks, company ball, St. Nicholas’s Show for children of our employees, drive-in cinema and many more.
Tři sloupce s nadpisy
Social Responsibility
The pillar of our activities in the field of social responsibility has been the X-DAY project since 2018, through which we help to fulfil dreams and needs of those who need it every year. We are a proud general partner of the Sports Park Pardubice and we support regional clubs.
Taking Care of Employees
Satisfaction of our employees is our priority, because they are the ones who create Foxconn. We are constantly improving the working environment, organizing events and competitions for our colleagues and we are supporting a friendly working atmosphere. We regularly determine the level of the satisfaction of our employees in the form of surveys.
Development of Communities
Our strategy is to be a good neighbour who thinks about his surroundings. We support charities, institutions and local communities. We help associations caring for disabled citizens, we support organizations or projects whose task is the education of children and youth or social integration.
Foreigners support team/process:
If you have an employee card, the procedure will be as follows:
There will be a selection process in our company for a specific position.
If you are selected, we will agree on an expected start date of employment with regards to the notice date of your current employment. If you are already unemployed, please note that the application form + all requirements for Notification of Requirements Met for a Change of Employment must be submitted to the OAMP (Department of Asylum and Migration Policy) in 60 days since termination date of your last employment.
We will prepare all the necessary documents for you to apply for a change of employer to OAMP (Notification of Requirements Met for a Change of Employment).
The confirmation from the OAMP usually comes within 30 days. Once we receive the confirmation, we can schedule your onboarding.
This is followed by an initial medical examination with our company doctor and other onboarding formalities.
On the first day of work, you will attend an initial training session where you will first sign the employment contract before you start, and then learn everything you need to know about your first days at Foxconn.
If you are not sure that you understand everything, don't worry, our Foreigners Support Team will be happy to help you with everything.
Accommodation can be provided by Foxconn.
You can stay at our partner hostels in Kolín or Kutná Hora (depending on current capacity). It is possible to use the free company bus transport to work from the hostel in Kolín.
Rooms in the hostels are shared - approx. 4 beds in 1 room.
It is possible to use the free company bus transport to work from Čáslav and Kolín.
If you are not sure that you understand everything, don't worry, our Foreigners Support Team will be happy to help you with everything.
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